130 and 137

The 130 and 137 are Single Shot Multi-pump pneumatic pistols.  The only difference between them is the caliber and parts associated with the caliber.   This schematic is for the last and most common version made from 1955 to 1970, it was the self-cocking version.

The Early version had to be cocked manually before pumping, by pushing the cocking button on the left side, above the trigger, forward to engage the sear.   The Early version had wood grips and pump handle and used several different pump pistons but they all can be replaced with the CRS760-042.    It is not uncommon to find the later pump handle on Early pistols.   For a Schematic of the Early version of the Crosman 130 made from 1953 to 1954, CLICK HERE

The 137 was made from 1956 to 1962. 


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