(image for) DAI25PHCL Plunger Head

DAI25PHCL Plunger Head

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Complete Plunger Head for Daisy 25, 80, 101-33, 102-36, 108-39, 111-40, 155, King 2236, and others complete with new leather Seals. These are either a reproduction or rebuilt factory Plunger Head. The air Tube length may have to be shortened. This is trial and error fitting. It's different for each gun due to Spring compression and Seal thickness. Start small. These are for the guns made in Plymouth Michigan. Same as numerous Daisy part numbers, including: 10418, and other brands.  The factory plunger heads shanks are tapered from .375 to .350 to make assembly during manufacturing fast and easy.   The plunger head shanks we make are .360 +/_ .015 and will fit in all 3/8 plunger casings.  Ours are not tapered, we make them straight and a little longer for better fit and to be longer lasting.  The plunger casing takes a beating from the spring and can take on a bend, ending up slightly smaller in diameter.  If the plunger head does not fit in your plunger casing, you might have to open up the split seam near the plunger head.